Even though you are investing your money in an electronic toy, you would still expect value for your money. So always purchase the product from a dealer that accepts returns. If you're buying a product online make sure to check for the credibility of the website and quality of the goods being offered.
Even if the electronic gift you're purchasing is a computer, the same would apply. You also must be careful of the brand on a computer. The most reliable brands would include Apple/ MAC, HP, HCL, Lenovo or Dell. If possible, you would also like to have a warranty on your purchase.
If they do, and you're ordering online, check to see if the warranty is through the retailer or the manufacturer. Some manufacturers will not honor warranties from third party sellers. I say all this because you don't want to order something as a gift, receive it, and have it not work and can't return it or get support with the problem.
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